
What Platform to choose for your website

What platform to choose for your website? Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, a personal interpretation of these 3 most common platforms.

When selecting the ideal platform for your website, the abundance of choices can be overwhelming. Today, I’ll focus on three prominent platforms commonly used in Bozeman and beyond. To make an informed decision, consider these key factors:

  • The scale of your website.
  • Anticipated business growth.
  • Budget for ongoing maintenance.
  • Whether you’ll hire a professional or opt for DIY.

Below, I’ll compare Squarespace, Wix, and WordPress, offering insights and considerations for each.


If you need a simple website layout, your company doesn’t plan to expand significantly in the future, and you want to showcase your portfolio and services online without the need for extensive customization, Squarespace could be the perfect platform for you.

Squarespace stands out for its user-friendly interface, lightweight structure, and elegantly simple designs. The platform offers a range of templates, with a particular emphasis on sleek black, gray, and white themes that lend a modern aesthetic to your site.

One of Squarespace’s notable features is its intuitive e-commerce functionality. It’s ideal for businesses looking to sell a limited range of products, allowing you to easily set up shipping options and product variants without the need for complex configurations.

When it comes to imagery, Squarespace provides access to a library of free stock images, simplifying the process of finding high-quality visuals for your website. While it may lack the flashy carousels and extensive customization options of other platforms, Squarespace excels in delivering clean, professional-looking websites.

In terms of search engine optimization (SEO), Squarespace offers both basic and advanced tools to help improve your site’s visibility. You can optimize various aspects of your site, including meta tags, headings, and URLs, to enhance its search engine performance and customize how it appears in search results.

Additionally, Squarespace seamlessly integrates with Google Workspace, making it easy to set up a professional email account for your business and streamline communication with clients and collaborators.

Overall, if simplicity, ease of use, and a clean design aesthetic are your priorities, Squarespace could be the ideal platform for building your website.


Wix is one of the most popular website platforms, offering a range of features and customization options that set it apart from competitors like Squarespace. It provides extensive customization options, allowing users to create unique and visually appealing websites with its drag-and-drop editor. With sophisticated grid layout options and responsive design features, users can ensure their websites look great and function smoothly across various devices.

While beginners can quickly get started with Wix’s user-friendly interface and intuitive tools, achieving more complex or customized designs may require additional learning and experimentation. You may need to invest time in researching and understanding advanced customization techniques to achieve the desired results.

Wix offers access to a library of high-quality, professional images, making it easy to enhance the websites visually. Additionally, it provides robust e-commerce capabilities and built-in SEO tools to help optimize websites for search engines, improving visibility and ranking.

If you have coding knowledge, Wix allows the incorporation of custom CSS and JavaScript code, offering greater flexibility and enabling advanced customization beyond the platform’s standard features. However, you should be aware that websites built on Wix are hosted on Wix’s servers, limiting flexibility compared to self-hosted solutions. For example it won’t be possible to tranfer your site to a different platform if you choose so.

While Wix offers a free plan with basic features, access to advanced features such as e-commerce and custom domain names requires subscription to premium plans. The cost of these plans can add up, especially if you have specific business or website needs.

In conclusion, Wix offers a powerful and flexible platform for building websites with varying levels of complexity. Its ease of use, extensive customization options, and built-in features make it a popular choice for individuals and businesses alike. However, you should be aware of its limitations and consider their specific requirements and preferences when choosing a website builder.


ordPress is one of the most widely used website platforms globally, renowned for its versatility and extensive customization options. With WordPress, you have unparalleled flexibility in creating websites ranging from simple blogs to complex e-commerce stores and corporate websites.

WordPress offers an extensive array of themes and plugins, allowing you to customize your website to suit specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, WordPress provides the tools and flexibility to create virtually any type of website imaginable.

Built on an open-source framework, WordPress benefits from contributions from a vast community of developers worldwide. This ensures that you have access to a wide range of resources, support, and updates to keep your websites secure and up-to-date.

WordPress is inherently SEO-friendly, with features such as customizable permalinks, built-in sitemaps, and plugins like Yoast SEO that help optimize content for search engines. This makes it easier for you to improve your website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results.

Whether you’re starting with a small personal blog or planning to expand into a large e-commerce platform, WordPress can scale with your needs. Its robust architecture and extensive plugin ecosystem allow you to add new features and functionalities as your website grow and evolve.

However, mastering WordPress’s full potential may require some learning curve, especially for beginners. Understanding concepts such as themes, plugins, widgets, and customizations may take time and effort.

As an open-source platform, WordPress requires regular maintenance and updates to ensure security and performance. You will need to stay vigilant about installing updates, managing plugins, and backing up your website regularly to prevent security vulnerabilities and data loss.

WordPress’s popularity makes it a target for hackers and malicious actors. You need to implement security best practices such as using strong passwords, installing security plugins, and keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up-to-date to mitigate security risks.

While plugins extend WordPress’s functionality, relying too heavily on them can lead to performance issues, conflicts, and vulnerabilities. You should be selective in choosing plugins, regularly audit their usage, and avoid installing unnecessary or outdated plugins.

Achieving complex designs or functionalities may require coding knowledge or hiring a developer. You may encounter limitations or challenges when customizing certain aspects of your website without technical expertise.

In conclusion, WordPress offers unparalleled flexibility, scalability, and customization options for creating a wide range of websites. Its vibrant community, extensive plugin ecosystem, and SEO-friendly nature make it a popular choice for individuals, businesses, and developers worldwide. However, you should be aware of its learning curve, maintenance requirements, and security considerations when building and managing WordPress websites.


In conclusion, each of these platforms offers its own set of advantages and considerations. Having worked with all of them, I appreciate Squarespace for its elegant designs and layout options, Wix for its middle ground between simplicity and customization, and WordPress for its unparalleled complexity and flexibility. However, I find myself frustrated with WordPress’s reliance on plugins and the ongoing maintenance it requires.

When considering which platform to use for building your website, it’s crucial to assess your technical skills and budget. While WordPress may offer the most flexibility, it also comes with a steeper learning curve and ongoing maintenance needs. Squarespace and Wix provide more user-friendly experiences, but may have limitations in terms of customization.

Ultimately, selecting the right platform for your website depends on your specific needs, preferences, and resources. Investing time upfront to evaluate each platform’s features and match them with your requirements can save you hours of frustration down the line. Choose wisely to ensure a smooth website-building experience and a final product that meets your expectations.